You can get the latest version of SQLAlchemy Migrate from the project’s download page, the cheese shop, pip or via easy_install:
$ easy_install sqlalchemy-migrate
$ pip install sqlalchemy-migrate
You should now be able to use the migrate command from the command line:
$ migrate
This should list all available commands. To get more information regarding a command use:
$ migrate help COMMAND
If you’d like to be notified when new versions of SQLAlchemy Migrate are released, subscribe to migrate-announce.
Migrate’s Mercurial repository is located at Google Code.
To get the latest trunk:
$ hg clone
Patches should be submitted to the issue tracker. You are free to create your own clone to provide your patches. We are open to pull requests in our issue tracker.
If you want to work on sqlalchemy-migrate you might want to use a virtualenv.
To run the included test suite you have to copy test_db.cfg.tmpl to test_db.cfg and put SQLAlchemy database URLs valid for your environment into that file. We use nose for our tests and include a test requirements file for pip. You might use the following commands to install the test requirements and run the tests:
$ pip install -r test-req.pip
$ python develop
$ python nosetests
If you are curious about status changes of sqlalchemy-migrate’s issues you might want to subscribe to sqlalchemy-migrate-issues.
We use a Jenkins CI continuous integration tool installation to help us run tests on most of the databases that migrate supports.